Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010.09.29



1st WS on Joint Investigation Teams

First Workshop on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) took place in Ljubljana between 30 September and 1 October 2010. The Workshop was chaired by Mr. Anton Travner and Mr. Thomas Pepper, as experts participated Mr. Steve Harvey and Mr. Bart De Buck from EUROPOL and Ms. Patricia Rosochowicz from EUROJUST. The Workshop was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Interior (Police Department) and prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Offices from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and observers from Slovenia.

After presentation of the PCC SEE Secretariat by Mr. Travner, who highlighted the added value of the project for the Southeast region and the importance of cooperating between prosecutors and criminal department in the fight against organised crime, Mr. Pepper presented the OG Project, its aim and the common understanding of JITs.

Mr. De Buck made a practical introduction to the concept and purpose of JITs, presenting its legal foundation, background, and development of JITs. Mr. Steve Harvey presented JITs and traditional MLA through the case study, highlighting the differences between them, its possibilities and benefits thereof. The case study was analysed from legal perspective, JIT manual and JIT guide to the Member States legislation were presented. Mr. Pepper presented the PCC SEE Manual, concept of Police Equal Performance and depicted the JIT Network.

Participants received the Questionnaire on the implementation of Article 27 (on Joint Investigation Teams) of the Police Cooperation Convention for South East Europe. Representatives of EUROPOL introduced the JIT questionnaire and discussed it with the participants, who were also advised how to fill it in. The participants should prepare answers to the questionnaire until the second Workshop which will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria 27-29 October 2010.

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina