Belgrade, Serbia, 2009.03.06



1st Official Meeting of the Expert Working Group

The first official Expert Working Group meeting in 2009 focused on the PCC SEE Secretariat’s work programme for year 2009.

Mr. Anton Travner as the Acting Head of Secretariat presented the state of play regarding the Memorandum of Understanding (proposed text and proposal regarding the signature).  He also presented the draft Action plan, the draft Communication strategy and the draft Rules of Procedure (it is foreseen that these documents will be adopted by the EWG and proposed to the CoM for final adoption). The last document is crucial for the formalization of the decision making process within the PCC SEE.

Ms. Ajda Mav presented the state of play of the PCC SEE Secretariat’s home page and whole graphic design.

Mr. Thomas Pepper presented the draft PCC SEE Manual however no adoption of the document is foreseen. He also presented the state of play regarding the preparation for the 3rd meeting in the area of Police Cooperation.
Furthermore Mr. Travner presented the draft Work programme for 2009 (it is foreseen that the document will be adopted by the EWG and proposed to the CoM for final adoption).

He also presented the main ideas regarding the Mutual evaluation in the area of Data protection (it is foreseen that the EWG will agree on the process and propose to the CoM to endorse it) and in conclusion presented some ideas regarding the system of Exchange of information.

Anticipated outputs:
  • Work programme for year 2009
  • Communication Strategy
  • Action plan
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • PCC SEE Manual
  • Rules of Procedures

Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria