PRIVACY POLICY We are aware of the importance of personal data privacy, especially as we use such data to provide relevant services and information to our visitors. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted by the European Union, mandates high standards on how your personal data is collected, processed and stored, gives you the right to access the personal data and request its erasure, and much more. In accordance with the legislation and recognizing the importance of this matter, we have prepared below explanations on the protection of your personal data when visiting this website and the rights you have as data subjects. Please read these explanations carefully before giving us consent to collect or process your personal data. |
PRAVILNIK O ZASEBNOSTI Zavedamo se pomembnosti varstva osebnih podatkov, predvsem zato, ker jih uporabljamo za zagotavljanje ustreznejših storitev in informacij našim obiskovalcem. Uredba GDPR, ki jo je sprejela Evropska unija, narekuje visoke standarde, ki določajo, kako se vaši podatki zbirajo, hranijo, vam omogoča vpogled vanje in zahtevo za izbris ter še veliko več. V skladu z zakonodajo in našim zavedanjem pomembnosti tega področja smo pripravili pojasnila o varnosti vaših podatkov in pravicah, ki jih imate kot lastnik podatkov. Pred podajo privolitve za zbiranje ali obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov zato to pojasnilo skrbno preberite.
WHAT IS PERSONAL DATA? Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e. an individual, regardless of the form in which it is expressed. Personal data is information that identifies you as an individual, in particular by reference to identifiers such as a name, surname, e-mail address, etc. The controller of personal data on this website is the Institute DCAF Ljubljana, Gospodinjska ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
KAJ SO OSEBNI PODATKI Osebni podatki so kateri koli podatki, ki se nanašajo na določeno fizično osebo, torej posameznika, na glede na obliko, v kateri so izraženi. Gre za podatke, na podlagi katerih vas je mogoče identificirati: ime, priimek, elektronski naslov, itd. Upravljavec osebnih podatkov na spletnem mestu je Inštitut DCAF Ljubljana, Gospodinjska ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana. |
WHERE DO WE STORE YOUR PERSONAL DATA AND FOR HOW LONG? The personal data that you provide to us digitally is stored on rented servers of the hosting service provider but can also be stored at companies whose tools we use. For example, the provider of the e-mail communication tool stores information about the recipients. We will retain the collected personal data no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it is being processed, to comply with legal obligations, or until the moment you have decided to withdraw your consent. |
KJE HRANIMO VAŠE OSEBNE PODATKE IN ZA KOLIKO ČASA Osebni podatki, ki nam jih digitalno posredujete, se shranjujejo na zato najetih strežnikih pri ponudniku gostovanja, lahko pa tudi pri podjetjih, katerih orodja uporabljamo. Na primer, ponudnik orodja za e-poštno komunikacijo hrani podatke o naslovnikih. Zbrane osebne podatke hranimo do trenutka, ko nam sporočite, da ne soglašate več s hranjenjem in obdelavo osebnih podatkov oz. največ toliko časa, kolikor je potrebno, da se doseže namen, za katerega se obdelujejo, ali da zadovoljimo zakonske zahteve. |
COLLECTION, PROCESSING AND USE OF PERSONAL DATA We will collect, manage and process your personal data as needed to comply with our legal obligations or on the basis of your explicit consent. The data collected by your consent are primarily intended for communicating with you and improving our services. We undertake that we will not share or sell your personal data to a third party without giving you prior notice and obtaining your explicit written consent. |
ZBIRANJE, OBDELAVA IN UPORABA OSEBNIH PODATKOV Vaše osebne podatke zbiramo, z njimi upravljamo in obdelujemo le za zakonsko določene namene ali na podlagi vašega izrecnega soglasja. Podatki, zbrani s soglasjem, so v prvi vrsti namenjeni komunikaciji z vami in izboljšanju storitev. Zavezujemo se, da vaših osebnih podatkov ne bomo posodili ali prodali tretji osebi brez predhodnega obvestila in pridobitve vašega izrecnega pisnega soglasja. |
WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA At any time, you have the right to withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data for a particular purpose or for all purposes with which you have consented. For the withdrawal of your consent, please send a written request to: Institute DCAF Ljubljana Gospodinjska ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, or by e-mail to: In case of withdrawal of your consent, we will delete all collected personal data or exclude them from automatic processing in accordance with the specificities of your request. Please be aware that the withdrawal of your consent will not impact the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before it was withdrawn and the use of personal data as needed to comply with our legal obligations. |
PREKLIC SOGLASJA ZA OBDELAVO OSEBNIH PODATKOV Kadar koli imate pravico preklicati dano soglasje za obdelavo osebnih podatkov. Prekličete lahko pravico za posamezen namen ali za vse namene obdelave osebnih podatkov, s katerimi ste soglašali. Pisno izjavo za preklic soglasja za obdelavo osebnih podatkov pošljite na naslov: Inštitut DCAF Ljubljana, Gospodinjska ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana ali na elektronski naslov: V primeru preklica soglasja za zbiranje ali obdelavo osebnih podatkov bodo vsi zbrani osebni podatki, na katere se bo nanašala zahteva za izbris, izbrisani ali izvzeti iz samodejne obdelave. Preklic soglasja za obdelavo osebnih podatkov ne vpliva na zakonitost obdelave osebnih podatkov v zvezi z vami do vašega preklica ter uporabo teh osebnih podatkov za zakonsko določene namene. |
At any time, you have the right to obtain from us the correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data. At any time, you also have the right to obtain from us access to the personal data that we have collected and the right to obtain immediate erasure of your personal data. Whenever we correct inaccurate or incomplete data or delete your personal data, we are obliged to notify you about this without undue delay. |
Kadar koli imate pravico zahtevati, da upravljavec popravi oziroma dopolni netočne oziroma pomanjkljive osebne podatke v zvezi z vami. Kadar koli lahko zahtevate vpogled v podatke, ki jih je upravljavec o vas zbral, ali takojšen izbris svojih osebnih podatkov. V primeru popravka, dopolnitve ali izbrisa osebnih podatkov vas moramo o popravku, dopolnitvi ali izbrisu brez odlašanja obvestiti. |
At any time, you have the right to obtain from us restriction of processing of personal data, which applies under specific circumstances such as when your personal data is found inaccurate, the processing activity is unlawful however you oppose to the erasure of your personal data, we no longer need your personal data for the purposes of processing, or when objecting to the processing of your personal data. |
Kadar koli imate pravico zahtevati, da omejimo obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov v primeru njihove netočnosti, nezakonitosti, prenehanja namena obdelave ali vložitve ugovora. |
At any time, you have the right to receive the personal data we are processing concerning you. At any time, you have the right to request that we transmit those data another controller. |
Kadar koli imate pravico zahtevati, da vam posredujemo osebne podatke, ki jih obdelujemo v zvezi z vami. Kadar koli imate pravico zahtevati, da osebne podatke, ki jih obdelujemo v zvezi z vami, posredujemo drugemu upravljavcu. |
Any use of your personal data for direct market purposes requires your explicit consent. In the case that you receive direct marketing messages from us, you have the right to request that we stop processing your personal data for such purposes. |
Vsaka uporaba vaših osebnih podatkov za namene informativnega ali promocijskega obveščanja zahteva vašo izrecno privolitev. V primeru, ko na podlagi privolitve prejemate informativne ali komercialne promocijske vsebine, lahko kadar koli pisno zahtevate prenehanje uporabe svojih podatkov v ta namen. |
At any time, you have the right to obtain from us confirmation as to whether your personal data are being processed and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the following information: the purpose of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, the envisioned period for which the personal data will be stored and the source of the personal data. |
Kadar koli imate pravico dobiti potrditev, ali se v zvezi z vami obdelujejo osebni podatki in dostop do osebnih podatkov v zvezi z vami in naslednje informacije: namen obdelave podatkov, vrsto osebnih podatkov v zvezi z vami, uporabnike vaših osebnih podatkov, predvideno obdobje hrambe osebnih podatkov, vir osebnih podatkov. |
In the case of a personal data breach, we will without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the competent supervisory authority. |
V primeru ogroženosti varstva osebnih podatkov bomo brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, najkasneje pa v 72 urah po seznanitvi z ogroženostjo varstva vaših osebnih podatkov o njej obvestili pristojni organ. |
We commit ourselves to processing all collected personal data only in the context of the aforementioned purposes and in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection and other relevant legislation, as well as in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR). |
Zavezujemo se, da bomo vse zbrane podatke obdelovali zgolj v okviru naštetih namenov upravljanja oz. obdelave osebnih podatkov ter v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov ter drugo zadevno področno zakonodajo kot tudi skladno z Uredbo (EU) 2016/679 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov (GDPR). |
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