30.11.2021, 18:00

22nd Meeting of the PCC SEE Committee of Ministers

22nd Meeting of the PCC SEE Committee of Ministers

22nd Meeting of the PCC SEE Committee of Ministers

Photo by the PCC SEE Secretariat

Photo by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia

Skopje, 30 November 2021- The PCC SEE Committee of Ministers convened for the 22nd time in its statutory capacity as the highest PCC SEE decision-making body under the auspices of the PCC SEE Chairmanship-in-Office of the Republic of North Macedonia. Authorized representatives from the 12 Contracting Parties reviewed the latest developments in the implementation of the PCC SEE and the EU Prüm-inspired framework for automated exchange of DNA, dactyloscopic and vehicle registration data and addressed issues of mutual interest and priority. Furthermore, enhancement of cross-border cooperation related to illegal immigration and return of foreign terrorist fighters has been discussed.

On this occasion, Hungary, the Republic of North Macedonia and Romania have signed the Protocol amending the Agreement between the Parties to the Police Cooperation Convention for Souteast Europe on the automated exchange of DNA data, dactyloscopic data and vehicle registration data, which was an important step to end the pending infringement proceedings launched by the European Commission against four EU Member States, in order for all 9 Signatories to use the Agreement in practice.

The meeting was also attended by several PCC SEE Plus Partners, who have substantially contributed to the implementation process over the past years and with whom further synergies continue to be sought and established to the benefit of the PCC SEE family. 

Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria