2014.03.07, 14:39
The 11th Meeting of the PCC SEE Expert Working Group, convened under the auspices of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place from 6-7 March 2014 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting was attended by nationally...

4th PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead Meeting
2014.02.17, 09:37
The 4th PCC SEE Way Ahead Meeting, convened under the auspices of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the remaining Trio PCC SEE Chairmanship (Bulgaria and Hungary) and the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place from 13-14 February 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2014.01.03, 10:33
On 1 January 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina took over the 6-month Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe from Austria and reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to the full implementation of the Convention. We wish them a successful mandate!

3rd Meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Exchange of Information regarding Forged and Fake Travel Documents within PCC S
2013.12.20, 11:54
The third Meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Exchange of Information regarding Forged and Fake Travel Documents, convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place on 19 December 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The...

2013.12.17, 11:37
The Expert Meeting on Policing in Multicultural Communities with a special focus on Roma minority, convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the Hungarian Police and the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place from 12-13 December 2013 in Budapest, Hungary....

2013.12.12, 11:35
The first Meeting of the Thematic Working Group on JIT Expert Network, convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place on 9-11 December 2013 in Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia. The meeting was attended by representatives...

2013.12.12, 11:34
The Meeting on “Prevention and Suppression of Transnational Organized Crime in Southeast Europe – Convergence of Theory and Practice” which was held from 9–11 December 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia was organized by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia, the DCAF Border Security...

Workshop on DNA Information Exchange took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia
2013.11.21, 10:44
On 20th November 2013, the PCC SEE Workshop on Cross-Border DNA Data Exchange took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The workshop brought together forensic experts and experts on cross-border information exchange from all 11 PCC SEE Contracting Parties. Based on the decision of the national Police...

2013.11.08, 15:44
Following the decision of the PCC SEE Committee of Ministers on the establishment of a Trio PCC SEE Chairmanship, replacing the current rotating 6-month chairmanships, the representatives of the first trio chairmanship, i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Hungary, met on 8 November 2013 in...

2013.11.07, 15:43
The first Meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Harmonization and Improvement of Telecommunications, convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place on 6-8 November 2013 in Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia. The...

2013.11.07, 15:41
The 3rd Meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Police Education and Training, convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place from 5-6 November 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In attendance were national experts...

2013.10.25, 11:28
The tenth meeting of the Committee of Ministers, convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship in Office, took place on 18 October 2013 in Bucharest, Romania. Ministers responsible for home affairs and other high officials from the Contracting Parties to the Police Cooperation...

Meeting of National Police Directors-General under the framework of PCC SEE
2013.09.06, 09:23
A meeting of National Police Directors-General was convened under the auspices of the Austrian Chairmanship-in-Office of the PCC SEE, in cooperation with the Slovenian National Police and PCC SEE Secretariat, from 4 to 6 September 2013 in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.

Austrian Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe
2013.07.01, 10:06
On 1 July 2013, Austria took over the 6-month Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe from Albania and reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to the full implementation of the Convention. We wish them a successful mandate!

2013.05.22, 09:19
The 9th Meeting of the Committee of Ministers, convened under the auspices of the Albanian Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place on 21 May 2013 in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia. In attendance were Ministers responsible for home affairs and authorised...

2013.04.11, 16:33
DCAF Ljubljana participated in the international conference on "Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Enhancing Border Security Processes", which took place from 9-11 April 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2013.03.29, 11:18
The first cross-border surveillance exercise between the National Surveillance Units of Hungary and the Republic of Serbia took place on 18-21 March 2013, in Szeged, Hungary. The exercise, performed under Article 11 PCC SEE, was organised by the Ministries of Interior of Hungary and the Republic...

2013.02.14, 11:18
The 9th meeting of the Expert Working Group, organised under the auspices of the Albanian Chairmanship in Office, took place on 12 and 13 February 2013 in Tirana. The meeting was attended by representatives from all eleven Contracting Parties as well as international organisations and EU...

2013.01.01, 19:40
On 1 January 2013, Albania took over the 6-month Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe from Serbia and reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to the full implementation of the Convention. We wish them a successful mandate!

2012.12.24, 19:38
As of 14 December 2012, Slovenia officially ratified the PCC SEE Convention and joined other countries in the region in order to further strengthen the regional community and cooperation in SEE security. We wish them a successful partnership!

2012.12.17, 16:04
The first meeting of the Surveillance Expert Network for Southeast Europe (SENSEE) within PCC SEE was convened on the margins of the Multi Country Workshop on Regional Cooperation and Coordination in Cross-Border Surveillance, organised by the Bosnian Ministry of Security, in cooperation with the...

2012.10.19, 14:49
The eighth meeting of the Committee of Ministers, organised under the auspices of the Serbian Chairmanship in Office of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe, was convened on 12 October 2012 in Mátraháza, Hungary. The meeting, held on the margins of the Salzburg Forum...

2012.10.17, 15:28
We are glad to inform you that our colleague from the PCC SEE Secretariat, Mr. Stanislav Veniger, was appointed today as Director General of the Slovenian Police and will take over the position as of tomorrow, 18 October 2012. Since September 2008, he worked at the DCAF Ljubljana office as a...

2012.09.20, 10:59
The 8th meeting of the Expert Working Group, organised under the auspices of the Serbian Chairmanship in Office, took place on 17 and 18 September 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia. The meeting was attended by representatives from all Contracting Parties as well as international organisations and EU...

2012.09.10, 10:13
Joint online seminar moderated by Dr Ferenc Bánfi, CEPOL Director, will take place on Thursday, 20 September 2012, from 14:00 – 15:30.

1st DCAF Summer Training Camp on Regional Police Education
2012.08.20, 10:27
A five-day intensive summer training camp aimed at police education and training programmes for border police took place from 13-19 August 2012, in Andermatt, Swtzerland, under the auspices of DCAF Border Security Programme, in cooperation with the Swiss Army, CEPOL (European Police College) and...

2012.07.12, 08:48
As of 6 July 2012, Hungary officially ratified the PCC SEE Convention and joined other countries in the region in order to further strengthen the regional community and cooperation in SEE security. We wish them a successful partnership!

Joint AT-BG-RO-SRB Table-top-exercise for Combating Organized Crime - In the Framework of Priority Area 11 “Security” of EUSDR and PCC SEE
2012.07.09, 15:16
The PCC SEE Secretariat organised a joint table-top-exercise between Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia for Combating Organized Crime in the Framework of Priority Area 11 “Security” of EUSDR and PCC SEE which took place from 29 – 30 June 2012.

Serbian Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe
2012.07.02, 08:56
On 1 July 2012, Serbia took over the 6-month Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe from Romania and reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to the full implementation of the Convention. We wish them a successful mandate!

MARRI Workshop “Risk analysis on international airports”
2012.06.29, 11:35
In the framework of the Project “Joint comprehensive approach in building co-operation between MARRI and SEPCA Member States’ border police on international airport border crossing points”, the second Workshop on “Risk analysis on international airports” was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and...

2012.05.31, 11:42
The Regional Seminar on Common Centres in the Western Balkan area was organized by the French initiative in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 29-31 May 2012.

2012.05.28, 10:24
Under the Chairmanship of the German Federal Criminal Police Office the Ministry of Interior of Italy organised the 4th Treptower group working meeting which was held on 22 May 2012 in Rome, Italy.

2012.05.23, 13:30
On 23 May 2012 in Vienna, UNODC, representatives of South-Eastern European Member States and regional organizations launched the 2012-2015 regional programme framework to counter drug trafficking and organized crime.

Brdo Process Ministerial Conference
2012.05.21, 14:32
Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia organized the 10th Brdo Process Ministerial Conference held on 18 May 2012, which was opened with a welcome address by the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Vinko Gorenak.

2012.05.21, 13:28
Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia organized the Ministerial Conference "The introduction of the requirements for establishing Joint Investigation Teams to fight trafficking in human beings in the South-eastern Europe" (JIT THB) at the marrgins of the Brdo Process Ministerial...

7th Meeting of the Committee of Ministers
2012.05.21, 12:00
The 7th meeting of the Committee of Minister, held under the auspices of the Romanian Chairmanship-in-Office, took place on 17 May 2012, in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia. In attendance were Ministers responsible for home affairs and authorised representatives from all nine Contracting Parties. In...

2012.05.15, 14:00
The cross-border hot pursuit exercise between the Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro took place from 7-11 May 2012 in Trebinje, BiH. This exercise, performed under Article 13 PCC SEE was financed by EC TAIEX, and organised by the Federal Ministry of Interior of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the...

2012.05.07, 16:25
The German Federal Criminal Police Office organised the Treptower group working meeting which was held on 30 April 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

2012.04.30, 15:33
The cross-border hot pursuit exercise between the Moldova and Romania took place from 23-27 April 2012 in Iasi, Romania. This exercise, performed under Article 13 PCC SEE was financed by EC TAIEX and organised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of...

Workshop held on Sofia International Airport, Bulgaria
2012.04.27, 10:50
On 26th April 2012 at Sofia International Airport, Bulgaria, in the framework of the Project “Joint comprehensive approach in building co-operation between MARRI and SEPCA Member States’ border police on international airport border crossing points, a Workshop on the topic “Current...

2012.04.26, 13:57
Under the Danish Precidency the meeting of the EU Liaison Officers posted in Balkans was convened in Tirana, Albania, on 25 and 26 April 2012.

Communication and Cross-border Surveillance Exercise between BiH and Montenegro
2012.04.20, 11:30
The cross-border Communication and Surveillance exercise took place from 18-19 April 2012, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The exercise, performed under Article 14 PCC SEE was organised by the Directorate for the Police Coordination Bosnia and Herzegovina (DPC BiH), State investigation...

2012.04.16, 10:38
The first cross-border hot pursuit exercise between the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania took place from 10-12 April 2012, in Ruse, Bulgaria. This exercise, performed under Article 13 PCC SEE was organised by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Administration...

2012.04.04, 12:50
CEPOL convened the meeting with the representatives of East European and Western Balkan Countries, aiming to enlarge their efforts to third countries. The representatives from Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia were invited, and...

2012.04.03, 14:27
MARRI Regional Committee and Regional Forum under the Serbian Presidency-in-Office with the Initiative has been held on 2 and 3 April 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia.

2012.03.30, 12:33
Second meeting of the Project Strategic Committee of the Project “Joint comprehensive approach in building co-operation between MARRI and SEPCA Member States’ border police on international airport border crossing points” was held in Bucharest in Romania, from 28-30 March 2012.

7th meeting of the Expert Working Group
2012.03.13, 13:44
The 7th meeting of the Expert Working Group, organised under the auspices of the Romanian Chairmanship in Office, took place on 8 and 9 March 2012 in Bucharest. The meeting was attended by representatives from all nine Contracting Parties as well as international organisations and EU agencies.

Meeting on Cross-border Cooperation as an answer to Security Threats for Southeast Europe
2012.03.12, 00:22
Romanian chairmanship in Office and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia co-organised the Meeting on Cross-border Cooperation as an answer to Security Threats for Southeast Europe held in Moravske Toplice, from 6-7 March 2012. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the...

2012.03.07, 09:57
Under the Serbian Presidency in Office, MARRI Friends Meeting was organized in Belgrade, Serbia on 2 March 2012 attended by representatives from MARRI member states, Diplomatic Core and international organizations.

2nd meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Police Education and Training within PCC SEE
2012.02.27, 04:25
The 2nd meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Police Education and Training within PCC SEE convened under the auspices of the Romanian Chairmanship-in-office took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 22th-24th February 2012. The meeting brought together experts with backgrounds in police...

2012.02.20, 17:21
AEPC (Association of European Police Colleges) and Swedish National Police Academy organised the AEPC Conference and the 1st AEPC Governing Board meeting in Solna, Sweden, from 14-15 February 2012.

Expert Meeting on Technical, Logistical Support, and Forensics in Ljubljana
2012.02.13, 17:17
From 8th-10th February 2012, the PCC SEE convened a two-day Expert Meeting on Technical, Logistical Support, and Forensics in Ljubljana, Slovenia, led by Mr. Stanislav Veniger of the PCC SEE Secretariat. Participants with expert backgrounds in all the three areas of PCC SEE implementation, coming...

2012.02.02, 13:30
In the framework of the Project “Joint comprehensive approach in building co-operation between MARRI and SEPCA Member States’ border police on international airport border-crossing points” the MARRI Regional Centre in partnership with the Dutch Authorities, SEPCA and PCC SEE Secretariat...

CEPOL Director welcomes Secretariat of the Police Cooperation Convention for South Eastern Europe (PCC SEE)
2012.01.24, 11:43
CEPOL, the European Police College hosted a delegation from the Secretariat of the Police Cooperation Convention for South Eastern Europe (PCC SEE) to Bramshill on 23 January 2012 to investigate areas for future joint cooperation.

2012.01.18, 11:01
The PCC SEE Secretariat, under the auspices of the Romanian Chairmanship in office, organised the 3rd annual PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead meeting, held on 16 and 17 January 2012 in Ljubljana.

2012.01.02, 10:34
On 1 January 2012, Romania took over the 6-month Chairmanship of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe from Montenegro and reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to the full implementation of the Convention. We wish them a successful mandate!

2011.12.15, 17:13
DCAF Geneva organized a two-day study visit and capacity building course on Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector for members of Security and Defence Committee of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina which took place in Geneva, on 13 and 14 December 2011.

2011.12.15, 17:10
On 8th December 2011, Mr. Anton Travner, Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat, participated in the session of the EU Standing Committee for the Coordination of Operational Cooperation in the area of Internal Security (COSI) at the Council in Brussels. The COSI Committee is a high-level body of the...

2011.12.14, 10:58
The first cross-border surveillance exercise between the National Surveillance Units of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Serbia took place on 5-9 December 2011, in Sofia. The exercise, performed under Article 11 PCC SEE, was organized by the Ministries of Interior of the Republic of...

2011.12.05, 14:05
Under the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) the Meeting of the Steering Group on Regional Strategy (SGRS) was organized on 1-2 December 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia. The participants were national delegations from South East Europe countries, the Regional Organizations and the International...

2011.12.05, 13:08
3rd Annual Ministerial Conference 'Regional and Transnational Cooperation in the Fight against Organised Crime in Souteast Europe: Challenges and Achivements' took place in Belgrade, from 29-30 November 2011. The Regional Ministerial Conference were organised under the Serbian Chairmanship of the...

MARRI Regional Committee Meeting and Regional Forum
2011.12.05, 09:52
Under the Serbian Presidency-in-Office the Regional Committee Meeting and Regional Forum organised by MARRI Regional Center were held on 28-29 November 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia.

6th Committee of Ministers
2011.11.21, 10:22
The sixth meeting of the Committee of Ministers, organised under the auspices of the Montenegrin Chairmanship in Office and co-organised by the PCC SEE Secretariat, was held on 17 November 2011 in Pravets, Bulgaria. The meeting was convened on the margins of the Salzburg Forum Ministerial...

Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference
2011.11.21, 10:21
From 16th to 17th November 2011, the Salzburg Forum ministerial conference was held in Pravets, Bulgaria, and hosted by the Bulgarian SF Presidency. Mr. Travner and Mr. Veniger of the PCC SEE Secretariat participated in the session where the SF countries and the SF Group of Friends were...

2011.11.14, 10:19
The second Thematic Working Group on Exchange of Information regrding Forged and Fake Travel Documents within PCC SEE was held in Ljubljana in Slovenia, from 9-11 November 2011. Representatives from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and...

2011.10.25, 10:18
The 6th meeting of the Expert Working Group was held from 18-19 October 2011 in Pržno, Montenegro, and was chaired by Mr. Vladimir Vukotić, Deputy Minister within the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior, and co-chaired by Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat. In attendance were...

2011.10.10, 17:06
As of 10 October 2011, Austria officially ratified the PCC SEE Convention and joined other countries in the region in order to further strengthen the regional community and cooperation in SEE security. We wish them a successful partnership!

2011.10.06, 15:08
Follow-up of the increase of asylum applications from the Western Balkans Countries under visa free regime meeting took place in Brussels on 5 October 2011, since more detailed discussion was needed in order to analyse the present situation and to tackle it effectively to avoid negative...

2011.10.05, 12:56
EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum organised by Polish Presidency of the European Union, in cooperation with the European Commission, and support of Macedonian Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Justice, took place in Ohrid, Macedonia, from 3-4 October 2011.

2011.10.03, 12:00
Mr Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, and Mr Thomas Pepper, Senior Adviser, met with Mr Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol, on 30 September 2011 in the headquarters of Europol in The Hague to discuss possbile cooperation in the SEE region.

2011.09.28, 11:53
DCAF Geneva organized a two-day study visit and capacity building course on Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector for members of Security and Defence Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro which took place in Geneva, on 26 and 27 September 2011.

2011.07.05, 12:00
National law enforcement and financial intelligence experts from South-East Europe countries participate in a regional workshop on countering the financing of terrorism, in Belgrade, Serbia, from 29 to 30 June 2011. The two-day event is organized by the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive...

2011.07.05, 11:56
More than 80 specialists in countering terrorism met in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, during a two-day workshop organized by the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, SECI Center, Regional Cooperation Council and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Government of the...

2011.07.04, 15:48
From 29th June to 1st July 2011, Mr. Anton Travner and Mr. Stanislav Veniger of the PCC SEE Secretariat participated in the First Expert Workshop held at Brdo, Slovenia, under the auspices of the Slovenian-led project "The Introduction of the Requirements for Establishing Joint Investigation...

2011.07.04, 15:48
Mr. Anton Travner, Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat and director of Institute DCAF Ljubljana, participated in the ministerial conference of the Salzburg Forum which concluded the Austrian Presidency of the Forum. On this occasion, the ratification of the PCC SEE Convention was formally announced...

2011.07.01, 09:15
As of 1 July 2011, and in accordance with the Committee of Ministers' Decision on the Rotation of PCC SEE Chairmanship, adopted on 17 November 2009, the Contracting Party taking over the 6-month Chairmanship is Montenegro. We wish them a successful mandate!

2011.06.27, 09:56
On 16th May 2011, the information exchange on forged and fake documents was successfully launched among the PCC SEE Contracting Parties. This is considered an important step in the strengthening of our cooperation to ensure a greater security of our borders and common security area, modelled upon...

2011.05.24, 14:25
On 23 May 2011 in Brussels, DCAF Ljubljana/PCC SEE Secretariat participated at the EU Post Visa Liberalisation Monitoring Mechanism (PVLMM) Steering Committee Meeting. Organised by the European Commission, the event brought together representatives from EC DG Enlargement, EUROPOL, FRONTEX,...

2011.05.23, 10:06
On 19-20 May 2011 in Brdo, Slovenia, the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe Secretariat (hereinafter referred to as: the Secretariat) and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia organised a meeting of Directors-General of Police from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the...

2011.05.13, 08:58
FRONTEX in cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities organised the Western Balkan Risk Analysis Conference which took place in Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 11-12 May 2011.

2011.05.06, 08:44
On 2-4 May 2011 in Zagreb in Croatia, The Changing Face of Organized Crime in South Eastern Europe: Trends and Developments Conference was organised by SECI Centre and RACVIAC. The audience and speakers from SECI Centre / RACVIAC MAG member countries (officials at decision-making level and...

2011.04.18, 09:15
A Delegation of the Ministry of Interior of Macedonia will visit the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria and Federal Crime Intelligence Service in Vienna from 2nd till 5th May 2011. Mr. Thomas PEPPER, Senior Police Advisor will represent the PCC SEE Secretariat in this Study Visit which...

2011.04.18, 09:14
Mr Thomas PEPPER, Senior Police Advisor will represent the PCC SEE Secretariat in the 12th EUROPOL High Level Expert Meeting on Witness Protection. The Conference will be held under the patronage of the Hungarian EU Presidency from 4th to 5th May 2011 in Visegrad, Hungary.

2011.04.18, 09:04
The first Cross-border surveillance exercise between Bulgaria and Macedonia was organized by the Ministry of Interior Macedonia together with the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria and Federal Ministry of Interior of Austria and European Commission, supported by the PCC SEE Secretariat in...

2011.04.07, 09:44
On 6 April 2011, the PCC SEE Secretariat convened a meeting of Representatives of PCC SEE Contracting Parties on the Establishment of Common Centres for Police (and Customs) Cooperation. In attendance were representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, as well as...

2011.04.06, 11:29
Mr. Thomas PEPPER, Senior Police Advisor, represented the PCC SEE Secretariat in the "Police Equal Performance (PEP) Conference" which was under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Austrian Presidency of the Salzburg Forum, the Federal Ministry of...

2011.04.05, 10:13
The Republic of Albania was the first Contracting Party to undergo the Mutual Evaluation in the Area of Data Protection under PCC SEE. The execution of this on the spot Evaluation was in full accordance with the Decision of the Committee of Ministers of 17 November 2009 on the Rules of Procedure...

2011.04.04, 17:13
The Cross-border Surveillance Exercise, organized by the Surveillance Unit of Serbia and Surveillance Unit of SIPA Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Federal Ministry of Interior Austria, with support from PCC SEE Secretariat and European Commission, took place between Serbia and Bosnia...

2011.03.21, 17:15
The Cross-border Surveillance Exercise, organized by the Surveillance Unit of Albania and Surveillance Unit of Macedonia, together with the Federal Ministry of Interior Austria, with support from PCC SEE Secretariat and European Commission, took place between Albania and Macedonia, from 15 - 18...

2011.03.21, 12:57
The meeting of Thematic Working group on Fake and Forged Travel Documents within PCC SEE took place in Celje in Slovenia, from 15-18 March 2011. The objectives of the meeting were to inform participants about good EU practices in the field of fight against forged and fake travel documents, on the...

2011.03.11, 09:15
The meeting of Thematich Working Group on Police Education and Training within PCC SEE took place in Celje in Slovenia, from 7-10 March 2011. The representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia and experts from Austria, France, Slovenia, AEPC and...

2011.03.01, 14:06
The fifth meeting of the Committee of Ministers, organised under the auspices of the Moldovan Chairmanship-in-Office and co-organised by PCC SEE Secretariat, was held on 28 February 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The meeting was convened on the margins of the 8th Annual Ministerial Review...

2011.02.25, 13:45
The 5th meeting of the Expert Working Group was held from 23-24 February 2011 in Celje, Slovenia, and was chaired by Mr. Fredolin Lecari, Head of Division, Department for International Cooperation, Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs, and co-chaired by Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE...

2011.02.09, 08:48
On 3 February 2011 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, met with the newly appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Alexei Roibu, and representatives from the Department for International Cooperation and European Integration.

2011.02.07, 23:18
On 27 and 28 January 2011 in Ljubljana, the Secretariat convened the second PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead Meeting.

2011.01.10, 14:11
On 17 November 2009, the Committee of Ministers adopted the decision on the rotation of the PCC SEE Chairmanship. The Republic of Macedonia successfully ended their Chairmanship obligations on 31 December 2010. The Republic of Moldova has taken over the 6 month period of holding the Chairmanship...

2010.12.24, 22:11
Ceremony of signing of Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainability of Established Co-operation Network between Border Police Units on International Airport Border Crossing Points in MARRI Member States was held on 20 - 21 December 2010 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, hosted by the Ministry of...

2010.12.20, 17:41
The Cross-border Surveillance Exercise, organized by SIPA and Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Police Directorate Montenegro, together with the Federal Ministry of Interior Austria, with support from PCC SEE Secretariat and European Commission, took place between Bosnia and...

2010.12.07, 15:25
On the occasion of the excellent cooperation among the signatory states to the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe and 2nd anniversary of the Secretariat, H.E. Mr. Robert Reich, Ambassador of Switzerland, has organized the successful reception for the Ambassadors, held on 7...

2010.12.06, 22:23
The European Police College CEPOL in cooperation with Italian Interagency College of Advanced Studies for Law Enforcement Officials with the support of France and Germany and the contribution of AEPC (Association of European Police Colleges) organised the conference on Police Cooperation with...

2010.11.26, 14:59
From 23 – 25 November in Vienna, Austria, the third Workshop on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) took place. The Workshop was the last in the series of the workshops, organised in the framework of the project on JITs, financed by the European Commission (reference JLS/2009/JPEN/OG/729).

2010.11.24, 16:02
EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs took place on 23-24 November 2010 at the Council of the European Union, in Brussels, under the Belgian Presidency and in close cooperation with the European Commission. At a two-day ministerial forum on justice and home affairs...

2010.11.19, 10:31
Frontex in cooperation with Albanian authorities organised the Western Balkan Risk Analysis Conference on 17-18 November 2010 in Tirana, Albania. In 2009, Frontex and Western Balkan Border Control Authorities established the Western Balkan Risk Analysis Network (WB RAN) modelled after a similar...

2010.11.04, 16:53
The 14th External relations working group meeting took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 2-3 November 2010. In the presence of seven members of the ERWG, the Belgian Presidency, two observers from the EU, Cyprus and Greece, two candidate countries, Croatia and Turkey, two new partners to be, Georgia...

2010.10.29, 22:47
In the framework of the project on JITs financed by the European Commission (reference JLS/2009/JPEN/OG/729) the second Workshop on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) was organised. The workshop was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Interior and the Prosecutor’s Offices from...

2010.10.28, 23:39
Implementation of effective national coordination and regional cooperation strategies to counter terrorism was in focus of a high-level workshop targeting countries of South East Europe, which took place in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 27-28 October 2010. The event was co-hosted by...

2010.10.27, 22:50
The AEPC Conference on “Key elements for the integration of Practice and Theory in the Police Training and “Human rights” and Governing Board Meeting, took place in Madrid, Spain, from 26-27 October 2010.

2010.10.19, 18:14
The fourth meeting of the Committee of Ministers, organised under the auspices of the Macedonian Chairmanship-in-Office and co-organised by PCC SEE Secretariat, was held on 19 October 2010 in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia. The meeting was convened on the margins of the 10th Regional Ministerial...

2010.10.14, 10:11
The Annual meeting of the OSCE Border Security and Management National Focus Point Network was organised by the OSCE, Conflict Prevention Centre, Borders Team and was held in the Hofburg Congress Centre in Vienna, Austria, from 12- 14 October 2010. The Annual Meeting was attended by OSCE...

2010.10.08, 16:57
The first Cross-border Surveillance Exercise was held from 5-8 October 2010 between Montenegro and BiH. The Exercise was held by Mr. Thomas, Senior Adviser at PCC SEE Secretariat. Beside the police officers of the surveillance unit of General police directorate (Ministry of Interior of...

2010.10.07, 14:11
The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia organized the Ministerial Conference “Strengthening regional and trans-national cooperation as a pre-condition for the successful fight against organized crime in Southeastern Europe”, that took place in...

2010.10.01, 19:05
First Workshop on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) took place in Ljubljana between 30 September and 1 October 2010. The Workshop was chaired by Mr. Anton Travner and Mr. Thomas Pepper, as experts participated Mr. Steve Harvey and Mr. Bart De Buck from EUROPOL and Ms. Patricia Rosochowicz from...

2010.09.27, 15:52
On 21 September 2010 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, and Ms. Katarina Lednik, Project Officer, met with Mr. Iurie Cheptănaru, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and other high ranking officials from the Moldovan MoI.

2010.09.27, 15:39
From 21 till 24 September 2010 national legal experts from the Contracting Parties to the Convention met in Chisinau in Moldova to screen the Moldovan police-related legislation acts. Upon request by the Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs it was agreed to convene a three day meeting at which...

2010.09.17, 15:18
The 4th meeting of the Expert Working Group was held from 15-17 September 2010 in Skopje in Macedonia, and was chaired by Ms. Vesna Dorevska, Assistant Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia, and co-chaired by Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat.

2010.09.09, 14:04
Meeting with FEDPOL and SDC regarding the implementation process for the PCC SEE and state of play took place on 7 September 2010 in Bern in Switzerland. At the meeting which was organised on behalf of FEDPOL the PCC SEE Secretariat in general was presented and some of main documents, project...

2010.08.16, 13:11
The Police Reform Road Map Workshop held in Chisinau in Moldova, from 9-13 August 2010 was organised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova with support of the UNDP, EU Delegation to Moldova and EUHLPAM.

2010.08.09, 16:45
Meeting of police experts within Surveillance units under the PCC SEE took place in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 4 to 6 August 2010.

2010.07.09, 12:30
On 9 July 2010 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, has also met with Ms. Malči Gabrijelčič, National Member for Slovenia at EUROJUST, at PCC SEE Secretariat office in Ljubljana regarding the possibility of signing the Memorandum of Understanding between EUROJUST and PCC SEE...

2010.07.09, 11:20
On 9 July 2010 Mr. Gürbüz Bahadir, Director of the SECI Center, visited the PCC SEE Secretariat office in Ljubljana where he met with Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, and Mr. Thomas Pepper, Senior Adviser, to discuss about the cross-border and data exchange legal basis in the...

2010.07.09, 10:00
On 9 July 2010 Mr. Anon Travner visited the Sožitje Association in Velenje whose primary work is to provide a healthy environment for disabled children and to engage them into the community they live in, in order to donate the old office computers. He met with Ms. Mira Gradnik, President of...

2010.07.08, 13:56
On Thursday, 8 July 2010 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, has met with the FEDPOL representative in DCAF Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The topic of the meeting was the progress and development of the PCC SEE as well as the future cooperation with FEDPOL.

2010.07.07, 20:31
On 6 July 2010 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, and Ms. Katarina Lednik, Project Officer, met with the representatives of the Macedonian MoI and members of the Working Group on PCC SEE in Skopje in Macedonia.

2010.07.07, 13:58
On 5 July 2010 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat, and Mr. Thomas Pepper, Senior Advisor at the PCC SEE Secretariat, met with the top management of Europol and Eurojust, within the preparatory meeting of the implementation of the OG (EC funded project) on Joint...

2010.07.01, 10:44
On 17 November 2009, the Committee of Ministers adopted the decision on the rotation of the PCC SEE Chairmanship. It was agreed that Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina have already fulfilled their Chairmanship obligation, since they had already assumed informal leadership roles in the PCC SEE...

2010.06.17, 10:09
The Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina organised the Awareness Raising Conference which was held in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 14 to 16 June 2010.

2010.06.16, 15:10
Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, attended the Regional Seminar on Fake Travel Documents, convened on 9 - 10 June 2010 in Zagreb, Croatia. The seminar was organised by TAIEX and coorganised by France and PCC SEE Secretariat.

2010.06.15, 13:18
On Monday, 14 June 2010, Mr. Zoran Dodevski, Senior Legal Advisor at the Macedonian Ministry of Interior, visited PCC SEE Secretariat within his 3-month training period in Slovenia.

2010.06.09, 16:52
On 7 and 8 June 2010 in the framework of the Project 'Establishment of network for co-operation between border police on international airport border crossing points in MMS' MARRI (Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative) organized the Workshop 'Safety and Security on the International...

2010.06.07, 15:56
From 31 May to 4 June 2010 the Regional Training on Cross-Border Surveillance Workshop was organised by OSCE Mission to Serbia's Law Enforcement Department in Belgrade, Serbia. This event aimed to strengthen regional cooperation between law enforcement services of Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia...

2010.05.31, 11:38
For Europe to remain strong in facing the threat of transnational crime and terrorism, the region must look to better integrate with the world, the region’s police chiefs heard on the opening day of the INTERPOL European Regional Conference, at the three-day meeting (26-28 May) in Budva,...

2010.05.31, 11:21
The International Training and Civilian Crisis Management Centre of the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement of Hungary in cooperation with the United Nations Association of Hungary and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces organised the Conference on Crisis Management...

2010.05.27, 15:22
The third meeting of the Committee of Ministers, organised by the Bulgarian Chairmanship-in-Office, was held on 21 May 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria.

2010.05.27, 14:59
The third meeting of the Expert Working Group, organised under the Bulgarian Chairmanship-in-Office, took place on 19 May 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Representatives from all eight Contracting Parties to the Convention as well as representatives from Austria, Switzerland, EUROPOL, CEPOL, PCC SEE...

2010.05.14, 15:31
The sixth regional conference of Interpol NCB Heads of Southeast European countries was held from 11 to 13 May 2010 in Bohinj, Slovenia. The meetings at the regional level proved to be very useful since in the region there are common forms and manifestations of crime, same amount of exchanged...

2010.05.13, 13:12
The Expert Mission took place in Tirana in Albania, from 10 to 12 May 2010. The meeting was convened within the framework of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE), and executed by Contracting Parties and Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria with the support of...

2010.05.03, 14:44
On 29 and 30 April 2010 MARRI (Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative) organized the Workshop 'Monitoring and control of border crossing at the international airport border crossing points' in the framework of the Project 'Establishment of network for co-operation between border police...

2010.04.30, 09:06
The Expert Mission took place in Belgrade in Serbia, from 27 to 29 April 2010. The meeting was convened within the framework of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE), and executed by Contracting Parties and Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria with the support...

2010.04.20, 13:31
The 17th SEPCA Annual General Assemble took place in Opatija in Croatia, from 14 to 16 April 2010. The General Police Directors and their Deputies or Ministerial representatives from Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, Macedonia, Romania, Albania and Montenegro were...

2010.04.19, 13:28
The meeting of the Expert Working Group, planned to take place on 19 to 20 April 2010 in Moravske Toplice, Slovenia, was cancelled due to the restriction in air traffic. Despite the fact that all flights scheduled for Monday were confirmed, a day before till noon on Monday, representatives from...

2010.04.16, 06:31
The Expert Mission took place in Skopje in Macedonia from 12 to 15 April 2010. The meeting was convened within the framework of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE), and executed by Contracting Parties and Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria with the support...

2010.04.13, 15:45
The meeting of the representatives of the police education and training institutions took place from 7 till 9 April 2010 in Sofia Bulgaria. Representatives from all eight Contracting Parties attended, as well as representatives from Austria, CEPOL. FRONTEX, AEPC, OSCE, SECI Center and UNODC.

2010.04.13, 09:21
On 7 April 2010 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, met with Mr. Veselin Vuchkov, Deputy Minister of Interior, Ms. Snezhana Maleeva, Acting Director of EU and International Cooperation Directorate, and Ms. Milena Dzhumayska, Expert at EU and International Cooperation Directorate and...

2010.04.01, 06:26
The Expert Mission took place in Podgorica in Montenegro from 29 to 31 March 2010. The meeting was convened within the framework of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe (PCC SEE), and executed by Contracting Parties and Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria with the...

2010.03.29, 13:50
On 25 - 26 March 2010, MARRI (Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative) organized the Study visit at the Zurich International Airport – Kloten for the Station commanders from the MARRI member states (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia).

2010.03.17, 13:00
Mr Joze Romsek, DCAF Senior Advisor, who represented the PCC SEE Secretariat at the meeting, met on 16 March 2010 in Podgorica, Montenegro, with Mr Radovan Ljumovic, SEPCA National Coordinator for Montenegro and PCC SEE Regional Manager, Mr Zoran Talovic, SEPCA Communication Liaison Officer, Mr...

2010.03.12, 13:57
External Relations Working Group Meeting organized by CEPOL took place in Madrid, Spain from 11-12 March 2010. The working group was established as a permanent working body responsible for defining forms and ways of cooperation outside of European Union.

2010.03.08, 06:15
The 7th Annual Ministerial Conference on Cooperation in the Field of Border Security in Southeast Europe,under the auspices of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, was organized from 4-6 March 2010 in Tirana, Albania.

2010.03.01, 08:56
The first meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Data Protection, established with the Rules of Procedure for Evaluations in the Area of Data Protection of 17 November 2009, took place from 24 to 26 February 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2010.02.21, 08:51
The Expert Mission of the Implementation of Articles 14 and 15 of the PCC SEE took place from 17 to 19 February 2010 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Expert Mission was convened within the framework of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe, and executed by Contracting...

2010.01.22, 06:42
Mr Thomas Pepper, Senior Adviser, met with Dr. Brigitte Kuchar, EC Delegation Bosnia, and Mr Alexius Schubert, Europeaid, Program Development Expert, from the 20-21 January 2010 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2010.01.21, 14:12
On 20 January 2010 Mr Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secreatariat, Mr Stanislav Veniger, Senior Advisor, and Mr Thomas Pepper, Senior Advisor, met with Mr. Michel Felkay, French Regional Attaché for Internal Affairs in Western Balkans, and Mr. Philippe Quilici, French Deputy Attaché for...

2010.01.15, 09:53
The PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead Meeting took place on 15 January 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Austria, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria, the French Embassy in Slovenia, the...

2010.01.12, 12:51
On 17 November 2009, the Committee of Ministers adopted the decision on the rotation of the PCC SEE Chairmanship. It was agreed that Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina have already fulfilled their Chairmanship obligation, since they had already assumed informal leadership roles in the PCC SEE...

2009.12.17, 13:28
A conference on the Multiannual Regional Strategy in the area of Justice and Home Affairs was organized by the Regional Cooperation Council in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 16 - 17 December 2009. The organization of the conference was on professional level and the final conclusions were...

2009.12.16, 09:07
On 15 December 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat, met with Mr. Detlef Schroeder, Head of Programmes at the European Police College (CEPOL). The aim of the meeting was to establish a starting point of solid cooperation between the PCC SEE Secretariat and CEPOL.

2009.12.03, 11:40
The second meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Border Management took place from 30 November to 2 December 2009 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting focused on Joint Cooperation and Cross Border Search Operations, which are set out in Article 26 of the Police Cooperation Convention for...

2009.11.18, 16:09
The 2nd meeting of the Committee of Ministers was convened in Brussels on 17 November 2009 on the margins of the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum. The meeting was attended by the Ministers and delegations of Contracting Parties from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia,...

2009.11.18, 13:20
On 16 and 17 November 2009 an EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs was convened in Brussels, chaired by the Swedish Minister for Justice, Ms Beatrice Ask. The meeting was also attended by vice president Barrot of the European Commission and Ministers from Albania,...

2009.11.06, 15:06
On 5 and 6 November 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat, and Mr. Thomas Pepper, Senior Advisor, met with the top management of Eurojust and Europol, within the formal meeting of PCC SEE Secretariat with the EU agencies.

2009.11.04, 17:40
On 4 November 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat, met with Mr. Marian Tutilescu, the Secretary of State - Head of the Schengen Department, and his team, within the Tour des Capitals project. The objective of the meeting was to present the Secretariat and its work,...

2009.11.03, 13:25
On 3 November 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat, and Mr. Thomas Pepper, Senior Advisor, met with Mr. Lulzim Basha, Minister of Interior, Mr. Herion Lahi, Chief of Cabinet, and Mr. Nicoll Ndoci, Head of Department for the Migration and Readmissions, within the formal...

2009.10.29, 13:16
From 26 to 29 October 2009 DCAF organized the third Legal Reform WG meeting in Sarajevo. The meeting focused on the revision of the Bosnian Regulation on Border Control and Border Surveillance, which is one of the EU preconditions for visa liberalisation. Furthermore, according to the previously...

2009.10.23, 17:21
On the occasion of the 1st anniversary the Secretariat has organized the successful reception for the Ambassadors, held on 22 October 2009 at the ICPE building (seat of DCAF Ljubljana). Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors from Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Macedonia and Serbia attended. Among...

2009.10.15, 12:02
A series of measures aimed at encouraging greater integration of national investigations by using INTERPOL’s global policing tools and databases have been endorsed by delegates at the organization’s General Assembly which took place in Singapore from 11 to 15 October 2009. More than 800...

2009.10.01, 09:01
The European Commission together with the PCC Secretariat and Bosnia and Herzegovina organized on 28 September - 30 September 2009 the 3rd Workshop on Police Cooperation in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2009.08.28, 17:13
On 26 August 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat and Mr. Stanislav Veniger, Senior Adviser, met with Mr. Veselin Vuchkov, Deputy Minister of Interior, and representatives of the top management of the Ministry, within the Tour des Capitals project. The objective of the...

2009.07.13, 14:06
From 5 until 8 July 2009 DCAF organized the second Legal Reform Working Group meeting in Ulcinj, Montenegro. The main objective of the meeting was the revision of the Serbian draft regulations on Border Control and Border Surveillance, where concrete suggestions and remarks were given on the...

2009.07.01, 17:30
The second official meeting of the Expert Working Group took place on 29 - 30 June 2009 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Representatives from seven Contracting Parties (The Republic of Bulgaria sent written remarks on the documents) to the Convention with a formal and legal authorization to make decisions...

2009.06.11, 14:48
On 9 June 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat and Mr. Stanislav Veniger, Senior Adviser, met with Mr. Alexandru Jizdan, Head of the Moldova Criminal Police, Mr. Fredolin Lecari, Head of Division of Department for International Relations and European Integration, and Mr....

2009.04.25, 14:12
On 24 April 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat and Mr. Stanislav Veniger, Senior Adviser, met with Mr. Aleksander V. Cavo, Chief of Cabinet of Minister of Interior, and Mr. Ahmet Prençi, General Director of the State Police within the Tour des Capitals project. The...

2009.03.28, 10:13
On 27 March 2009 Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat and Mr. Stanislav Veniger, Senior Adviser, met with Mr. Goran Pavlovski, Chief of Cabinet of Minister of Interior, and Mr. Ljupco Todorovski, Director of the Bureau for Public Safety within the Tour des Capitals project....

2009.03.19, 10:13
On 18 March 2009 Mr. Thomas Pepper and Mr. Jože Romšek from the PCC SEE Secretariat held a meeting with Mr. Reto Brunhart, a representative from SEPCA, and Mr. Pierre Aepli from DCAF. The meeting focused on the presentation of the Secretariat and its work in practice and it was agreed that...

2009.03.07, 12:27
The first official meeting of the Expert Working Group took place on 6 March in Belgrade, Serbia on the margins of the 6th Annual Ministerial Conference on Cooperation in the Field of Border Security in Southeast Europe. Representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,...

2009.02.25, 10:11
Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat visited different countries within the Tour des Capitals project. Up to date he held the following meetings * 20 February 2009; Sarajevo, BiH – a meeting with Mr. Edin Jahić, Chief of Cabinet of Minister for Security and Mr. Sead...

2009.02.25, 10:11
Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat visited different countries within the Tour des Capitals project. Up to date he held the following meetings * 20 February 2009; Sarajevo, BiH – a meeting with Mr. Edin Jahić, Chief of Cabinet of Minister for Security and Mr. Sead...

2009.02.25, 10:11
Mr. Anton Travner, Acting Head of the PCC SEE Secretariat visited different countries within the Tour des Capitals project. Up to date he held the following meetings * 20 February 2009; Sarajevo, BiH – a meeting with Mr. Edin Jahić, Chief of Cabinet of Minister for Security and Mr. Sead...

Chaired by Austrian from 1 January to 30 June 2025 / Next Chairmanship (1 July - 31 December 2025) by Bosnia and Herzegovina