17.09.2010, 15:18

4th Meeting of the Expert Working Group, Skopje

The 4th meeting of the Expert Working Group was held from 15-17 September 2010 in Skopje in Macedonia, and was chaired by Ms. Vesna Dorevska, Assistant Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia, and co-chaired by Mr. Anton Travner, Head of PCC SEE Secretariat.

The meeting served as an opportunity for the Macedonian Chairmanship-in-office to present their priorities and what has been implementation to date. They are dedicating special attention to rectifying the current situation in the area of data protection in order to be prepared for mutual evaluations in this area. Steps are being taken towards harmonising their national legislation with Convention Nr. 108 for the protection of Individuals with regards to Automatic Processing of Personal Data. The other Contracting Parties were advised to put data protection evaluations high on their priority list as well.

Among the other priorities of the Macedonian Chairmanship are:  fostering the project on Joint Investigation Teams, facilitating the negotiations and signing of bilateral and multilateral agreements envisaged in the Convention, facilitating the negotiations of the content of the Road Map for the implementation of the Convention for the period 2011 – 2015, fostering the cross-border and controlled delivery exercises, convening a training course for national central units which would harmonise the modus operandi of all CPs, establishing a long term sustainable system for exchange of information and data on falsified travel documents and organising the 4th meeting of the Committee of Ministers.

The meeting was found interesting and meaningful by a large number of representatives from the implementation partners and international organisations. They actively participated in the discussions and shared their experiences and advice with the Contracting Parties.


Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria