04.07.2011, 15:48
First Expert Workshop on JIT THB, Brdo, Slovenia, 29 June - 1 July 2011
From 29th June to 1st July 2011, Mr. Anton Travner and Mr. Stanislav Veniger of the PCC SEE Secretariat participated in the First Expert Workshop held at Brdo, Slovenia, under the auspices of the Slovenian-led project "The Introduction of the Requirements for Establishing Joint Investigation Teams (JIT) to Fight trafficking in Human Beings (THB) in Southeast Europe - JIT THB".
The project was formally initiated with the ministerial kick-off conference on 28th February 2011 in Ljubljana and aims at strengthening the awareness of the use of JIT as a law enforcement tool specifically for the fight against THB in Southeast Europe. Representatives of national police forces and prosecutor's offices from Albania, Bolgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia as well as Europol, Eurojust and the PCC SEE Secretariat took part in the workshop, focusing mostly on the legal aspects of the particular tool of cross-border policing, surveying also the individual national arrangements. Several practical examples with an overview of benefits and possible obstacles in the establishment of JITs followed. The PCC SEE Convention was introduced, with special attention on the provisions serving as a legal basis for establishing JIT in Southeast Europe. The participants from all countries agreed that for a successful cooperation among their countries, having a single, shared legal basis for JIT establishment is urgently necessary, and must also be echoed in sufficiently implemented national arrangements. Mr. Travner also presented on the PCC SEE-led project on the use of JIT in Southeast Europe which concluded in 2010 and to which the Slovenian-led project serves as a logical continuation, focusing specifically on the particular type of organised crime.