4th High Level Meeting “Treptower group” – Rome
At the meeting the new members to the Treptower group were introduced, namely Bulgaria and Interpol. Italy presented EMPACT Western Balkans, the platform for fight against organised crime in the Balkans. Mr. Thomas Pepper from the PCC SEE Secretariat presented the outcomes from the Committee of Ministers, held in Brdo pri Kranju in May 2012, and future steps to be taken.
The Regional Cooperation Council presented monitoring and evaluation mechanisms on regional cooperation. The German Agency for International cooperation presented the implementation of EU IPA 2010 Fight against organised crimes and corruption.
The project related activities of SOCA (Serious Organised Crime Agency) in the Western Balkans were presented by the UK, while the EU COM presented the overview of the New approach to Chapters 23 and 24, an update on perspectives for IPA programming 2013, and their activities in the region.
As a new member to the Treptower group, the Interpol presented their activities in the region of Western Balkans, and the Germany presented the modern use of the EU-Matrix (chat-rooms – newsgroups).
For more information please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Thomas Pepper at thomas.pepper@bmi.gv.at.