17.02.2014, 09:37

4th PCC SEE Implementation Programme Way Ahead Meeting

The 4th PCC SEE Way Ahead Meeting, convened under the auspices of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Chairmanship-in-Office and with support from the remaining Trio PCC SEE Chairmanship (Bulgaria and Hungary) and the PCC SEE Secretariat, took place from 13-14 February 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The meeting was attended by representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Hungary (Trio Chairmanship), Italy (upcoming Presidency of the Council of the EU), SEPCA Chairmanship held by Serbia, CEPOL, FEDPOL, FRONTEX, ICITAP BiH/Croatia, IOM, MARRI, RCC and UNODC. The participants were familiarised with the progress of the PCC SEE implementation process in the last year, the strategic and practical priorities of the PCC SEE Trio Chairmanship covering the period over the next 18 months, as well as the work programme for 2014. Furthermore, they exchanged their opinions and views when discussing the complementary activities and projects in the region, in order to avoid overlapping and duplication of activities oriented towards the overall support to the Contracting Parties in the full implementation of the PCC SEE. Prior to the meeting, a follow-up meeting of the Trio Chairmanship took place, focusing on a continued harmonization of the 18-month work programme and resolving remaining opened issues in this regard.

Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria