26.01.2015, 13:35

Training Course on Joint Investigation Teams

Budapest, Hungary - The Training Course on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) under the framework of PCC SEE was held between 26 and 29 January 2015, under the auspices of the Hungarian Chairmanship in Office and in cooperation with CEPOL, targeting national experts from the Police and Prosecutors’ Offices from all eleven PCC SEE Contracting Parties. The 3-day course combined both a theoretical and practical approach to address important elements related to the establishment of JITs in order to help increase the participants’ knowledge and skills. The participants received informative presentations from international experts on JITs and exchanged their experience, views and recommendations on how to overcome common challenges on a regional level.

Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria