09.05.2018, 15:09

Official Negotiations of the EU Prüm-Inspired Framework for Automated Exchange of Data in the PCC SEE Region

Vienna, Austria - Following two rounds of informal negotiations, the Contracting Parties have successfully concluded the official negotiations of their new EU Prüm-inspired framework for automated exchange of DNA, dactyloscopic and vehicle registration data. The negotiations, held under the auspices of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior in Vienna on 7-9 May 2018, resulted in the final texts of the Agreement and Implementing Agreement to be signed during a conference hosted by the Austrian EU Presidency on 13-14 September 2018. In addition, the Contracting Parties finalised the text of a politico-strategic Memorandum of Understanding, which is to be signed by all Contracting Parties at the said conference, aimed to present one common document outlining the key elements of their commitment to this new chapter of cross-border cooperation.

As for the five non-EU PCC SEE Contracting Parties from the Western Balkans both their participation in the official negotiations of the new legal framework as well as preparatory activities related to its technical implementation are co-funded by the IPA 2017 project “Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans”.

Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria