26.06.2019, 12:30

21st Meeting of the PCC SEE Expert Working Group

Vienna, Austria - The PCC SEE statutory decision-making body, the Expert Working Group, met for the 21st time on 26 and 27 June 2019 under the auspices of the Austrian PCC SEE Chairmanship-in-Office. The meeting brought together national members from 12 Contracting Parties, Croatia being the most recent to accede to the PCC SEE, as well as several PCC SEE Plus Partners including CEPOL, EUROPOL, IPA2017 "Countering Serious Crimes in the Western Balkans", ICMPD, IISG Support Group, IOM, MARRI, RAI, Guardia Civil/Spain, and UNODC. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to jointly brainstorm with partners on possible synergies within the context of the PCC SEE implementation process, while the second day was a closed meeting of the 12 Contracting Parties to discuss relevant issues and next steps in the implementation of their two shared legal frameworks – the PCC SEE and the newly established EU Prüm-like framework for automated exchange of data.

Chaired by Albania from 01 July to 31 December 2024 / Next Chairmanship (1 January - 30 June 2025) by Austria